Immunisation services

MediFAST provides onsite Flu Vaccinations in the Workplace. Our professional immunisation team of Registered Nurses and qualified Medical Practitioners will visit your workplace at a time that suit your staff.

Why it’s so important to protect against flu:

Immunisation helps decrease absenteeism and assists employees to obtain and maintain protection from commonly spread infections such as influenza. Vaccinations help to improve a person’s ability to resist contracting influenza. All it takes is one person to spread the virus to all your staff. Reduce sick days and lost production.

Research shows healthy working adults vaccinated against flu have nearly half the number of doctor’s visits and sick days compared to those who are unvaccinated.

Each year in Australia flu causes an estimated 18,000 hospitalisations, 1,500,000 lost work days and 300,000 doctor visits.

Arranging to have all staff vaccinated reduces the spread of the flu through the workforce. We offer you the convenience of flu vaccinations at your workplace which are safe, convenient and cost-effective to suit your staff.

Our well-established Immunisation Services provide convenient, easily facilitated flu vaccination sessions with experienced nurses to administer flu vaccinations all in the convenience of your workplace.

At a competitive cost per person, we can provide you with an effective solution to support the wellbeing of your staff over the winter months.

Organisations can either fund staff flu vaccinations or coordinate staff paid vaccinations.

Immunisation prevents unnecessary spread of disease, so by protecting your staff you will also be helping to protect the wider community.

When to vaccinate

The flu season usually begins in May reaching a peak in July and declining through spring, so the best time to vaccinate is in autumn.

Benefits are provided quickly with protection gained within approximately two weeks. This gradually declines over 6-12 months.

It is therefore important to plan ahead and ensure a yearly vaccination program is in place to best protect against infection.

Onsite clinics can be arranged before work, during breaks, or after work if required. All these clinics are designed to get staff back to work within 15 minutes.

Service provided:

MediFAST works with you well in advance of the flu season to ensure dates, communications and other processes are confirmed and
scheduled in. To ensure the greatest uptake, we develop and include a professionally created communications strategy to engage your staff.
We provide:

Call us or fill in our enquire form to see how we can assist your business to look after your employees, & all of your occupational immunisation needs.